Medical Tourism in Turkey | Medicsey

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En Turquie

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Medicsey est une société de tourisme médical en Turquie qui propose des services de facilitation du tourisme médical avec une vaste expérience et une connaissance technique pour aider les patients voyageurs du monde entier à obtenir les meilleurs services de soins de santé en Turquie
  • 1. Envoyez-nous votre/vos plainte(s) principale(s) ainsi que vos rapports médicaux
  • 2. Nous vous obtenons un deuxième avis médical gratuit et le coût estimé du traitement
  • 3. Si le coût est accepté
  • 4. Nous fournirons un service de navette gratuit depuis et vers l’aéroport | Hôpital | Hôtel
  • 5. Vous aurez un interprète personnel qui parle votre langue maternelle avec vous pendant toutes les procédures à l’hôpital Enfin
  • nous organisons pour vous un voyage touristique qui vous convient avant de rentrer
Art de remède
Les départements
Un ensemble de départements et de cliniques médicales qui fournissent des informations sur la maladie, ses formes et son traitement
Kidney transplant

Kidney transplant

The kidneys have an essential function of filtering waste and fluid from the blood and eliminating them by excreting them along with urine. And when you lose this job. These fluids and waste products accumulate in the body, which can lead to kidney failure.

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Lifting du visage en Turquie

Lifting du visage en Turquie

Le lifting du visage en Turquie est une intervention chirurgicale importante, car le visage d'une personne exprime sa personnalité, ses émotions et même définit son identité. C'est pourquoi nous voyons que la plupart des gens se soucient de leur apparence et veulent refléter l'esprit de la jeunesse en éliminant les signes du vieillissement.

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 Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Breast reduction in Turkey is one of the surgeries that help you get rid of large, sagging breasts, and that is done through a simple surgery that does not take more than two hours.

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Lengthening  Surgery

Lengthening  Surgery

Many people suffer from the problem of short stature, and this affects their lives greatly. Stature surgery has become one of the most common orthopedic surgeries.

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IVF Tube Baby

IVF Tube Baby

The problem of fertility and childbearing is one of the important matters that have a great place in the field of medicine, so IVF in Turkey is the solution.

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Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns prices in Turkey are up to 70% cheaper than developed countries. However, this difference in cost is not caused by the quality of the processing and the materials used.

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Time Can't Be Resisted, But Aging Can
Medical Tourism in Turkey
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+90 552 883 22 21
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Dental filling prices in Turkey
Dental filling prices in Turkey

Many people search for the prices of dental fillings in Turkey in order to obtain healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, because caries is one of the most serious problems that threaten dental health, and the filling is one of the solutions to this problem.

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Plastic Surgery in Turkey
Plastic Surgery in Turkey

The experiences of plastic surgery in Turkey have proven that cosmetic clinics in Turkey, Istanbul are distinguished in quality. Because of the skin beauty...

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Lip Fillers in Turkey Istanbul Cost
Lip Fillers in Turkey Istanbul Cost

Full lips are one of the characteristics of attractiveness and beauty, lip fillers turkey cost is variable and this is what makes women, celebrities and non-celebrities...

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Medical Treatment in Turkey
Medical Treatment in Turkey

Traveling abroad for medical treatment has seen a real leap in Western European and American countries over the past few years, especially in medical treatment in Turkey.

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Epilepsy and seizures
Epilepsy and seizures

Epilepsy is one of the most common and disabling neurologic conditions, yet we have an incomplete understanding of the detailed pathophysiology or...

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