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Gastric Balloon Turkey Cost, Types | Medicsey

The gastric balloon Turkey cost is without surgery, without serious complications, and the patient does not need general anesthesia or a recovery period in the hospital, as it is done by regular endoscopy in only about 15 minutes and is affordable for all.

Candidates for the gastric balloon operation

Although the gastric balloon in Turkey is one of the most popular procedures that have helped many people lose weight, the gastric balloon in Turkey cost is very reasonable.

In the first place, gastric balloon procedure in Turkey is not suitable for people who have not yet reached the age of eighteen.

In the first place, gastric balloon procedure in Turkey is not suitable for people who have not yet reached the age of eighteen.

It is also not suitable for people who suffer from chronic gastritis, or patients with very advanced gastric ulcers, unless after consulting a doctor.

It is also not suitable for people who suffer from chronic gastritis, or patients with very advanced gastric ulcers, unless after consulting a doctor.

Also, this process is not entirely suitable for people who have localized fatty deposits.

Also, this process is not entirely suitable for people who have localized fatty deposits.


This type of gastric balloon in Turkey does not require an endoscopic procedure, as the patient swallows a gastric balloon capsule made of organic matter before filling, it with 550ml of saline solution through a thin catheter. it is an easier and shorter procedure, after approximately 4 months, the absorbable material inside the gastric balloon will begin to dissolve. It must completely degrade before the release valve opens and allows the gastric balloon to deflate within minutes. The gastric balloon in turkey can be a good option for patients who do not wish to have an endoscopy or local anesthesia.


Or what is known as the smart balloon. This type of gastric balloon is completely different from the other types. The gastric balloon cost in Turkey also varies according to the balloon. The balloon enters the stomach by relying on small capsules, that you drink with some water which are monitored during entry through the use of x-rays. After that, filling is done through the use of nitrogen gas. The second capsule is usually swallowed one month after the first gastric capsule, and a third capsule two months after the second. In this type, more than one capsule can be used to reduce the stomach area. This type causes weight loss of up to 30%. it is a quick procedure and many patients prefer it over other types of gastric balloon in Turkey because it is simple and easy compared to other types.


The Spatz3 gastric balloon in Turkey is suitable for people who aspire to lose more than 15 kilograms, and who will benefit from the gastric balloon in turkey for more than 6 months. It has several advantages compared to other gastric balloons in turkey, firstly it is adjustable, as the balloon can be filled in at least two stages, which means that the size of the balloon can be easily increased or decreased as needed. First, the balloon is filled with a small amount of saline solution, and after two or more months it is filled up to 700 ml. So that the balloon remains in the stomach for up to 12 months, without fear of any damage or side effects.


This type of gastric balloon is one of the most common types of gastric balloon in turkey and various countries of the world. It is a single balloon made of cyclone, that is inserted into the stomach using an endoscope that is inserted through the mouth. A catheter is then used and filled with saline solution, and it stays in the stomach for 12 months. This type of gastric balloon in Turkey is different from others, according to the opinion of the doctor and the hospital, it is also easy to get used to the diet during this long period, which greatly reduces the possibility of obesity returning.


Among the advantages of this wonderful balloon, thanks to the modern technology of the new and sealed valve, the solution does not leak from it during filling. It is High quality so it stays in the stomach for 12 months. When filled in the stomach, it takes an oval shape and thus easily adapts to the anatomical shape of the stomach. Filling capacity is available up to 800 ml, and it is inflated according to need in each case. Made of completely pure medical silicone without impurities, does not affect the stomach, and does not cause ulcers. Ensure an appropriate weight loss for each patient and his condition, in addition to that, the duration of its presence in the stomach is considered an additional advantage, as the person loses during the first six months all excess weight, and the last six months to maintain this weight, and get used to the diet required to continue with it after the removal of the LexBal annual gastric balloon.


The Medicone Brazilian gastric balloon is distinguished from other types of gastric balloon in turkey that it is more advanced, as it is of the third generation. It is made of improved cyclone material, and the safety valve in it is double, so there is no possibility of leakage, so its side effects are less than other types of gastric balloon in Turkey. It is performed through endoscopy under sedation, and after only six months have passed, it is removed Also endoscopy. The Medicone Brazilian gastric balloon is the only type that allows various sports, including violent ones, while inside the stomach.

Gastric balloon procedure in Istanbul

Do you want to solve the problem of obesity and its complications without resorting to surgery? The ideal solution is the Gastric Balloon in istanbul. The gastric balloon procedure in istanbul is one of the most popular alternatives to surgeries, which is witnessing a great demand. Due to the proven ability of this treatment method to reduce weight in large proportions within short periods (approximately six to 12 months). According to the type of gastric balloon used and then disposed of, some consider it an ideal solution for obesity problems and a safe alternative to surgical liposuction.

The main idea on which the procedure depends is to reduce the size of the stomach to reduce the amount of food intake. Thus feels full quickly and regulates the work of the hormones responsible for satiety and hunger during the period of the balloon being in the stomach. The gastric balloon turkey is a temporary procedure, and the gastric balloon cost in Turkey is very reasonable.

The Gastric Balloon in istanbul is without surgery, without serious complications, and does not require general anesthesia or a recovery period in the hospital, as it is done by regular endoscopy and only about 15 minutes.



Complications of obesity

  • Obesity is a major problem that troubles many men and women. However, many different diets can be followed to lose weight and reach the ideal weight.
  • However, many people complain about the failure of these tricks and methods, which do not bring them any effective results, which leads to the development of the matter and another increase in their weight.
  • As for the damages of obesity, they are many and varied and do not depend on appearance and inappropriate appearance in front of others. Rather, it extends to many chronic diseases that are difficult to deal with.
  • However, with the development of the medical aspect, several surgical and non-surgical procedures appeared to eliminate the problem of excess weight. Among these procedures is the gastric balloon, and gastric balloon cost in Turkey is acceptable according to other procedures.
  • As mentioned above, obesity is a disease of obsession with age and its complications. It leads to serious diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attacks, sleep apnea, respiratory and digestive problems, psychological and social problems, and poor sexual performance. Especially in women, diseases of the spine degenerative joints, and cancers, most of which are uterine cancer.


Results of the Gastric Balloon in Istanbul at Medicsey

  • This process was and still is very popular in the recent past. The main reason for this is that it has helped a large number of people lose weight in a very short period, compared to other treatment methods.
  • Depending on the gastric balloon procedure in Turkey, a person can lose between twenty to thirty kilograms in just six months.
  • He/she may continue losing weight and maintaining the lost weight if he/she continues to adhere to the instructions of the doctor. Nutritionists advise to eat certain types of food and adapt to the new healthy eating habits. That is suitable for each patient separately after the balloon is completely removed.
  • It should also be noted that the result of the procedure does not appear on the person immediately after the end of the procedure, but the matter extends for several months until the balloon is extracted from the stomach.
  • Gastric balloon Turkey cost is acceptable according to other procedures, and by choosing the most skilled doctors and the best hospitals with an excellent reputation locally and globally, the results will be wonderful.


gastric balloon cost in turkey


Advantages of the gastric balloon procedure.

The procedure has several different advantages, which are as follows:

  • The procedure is non-invasive.
  • The procedure does not require general anesthesia (just sedation).
  • Complications of the procedure are minor and almost non-existent.
  • The results of the procedure will be effective if the person adheres to the advice and instructions given to him by the specialized medical team.
  • Gastric balloon Turkey cost is low compared to other procedures that are performed for the same purpose.

Side effects of the Gastric Balloon in Istanbul

The gastric balloon procedure, like any other procedure, has some occasional side effects that are not cause for concern, including:

  • The feeling of nausea and discomfort, and these symptoms occur in the few days following the procedure, and these symptoms are overcome by using some medications and medical drugs.
  • Vomiting and these symptoms occur as a natural reaction of the stomach to the feeling of a foreign body inside it, and although these symptoms disappear after a few days in most people. In a few cases, vomiting continues for a long time, which forces the patient to attend. The doctor gives the patient the appropriate treatment to recover faster.
  • Feeling minor cramps in the stomach, which can be overcome by using painkillers suitable for the patient.
  • The feeling of acid reflux from the stomach to the esophagus and the patient is also given the necessary medicine for that.


gastric ballon turkey cost


Tips for patients during the presence of the balloon in the stomach

  • The patient can return to his normal life within a day or two after the balloon is inserted in the stomach in Turkey.
  • After inserting the Gastric Balloon in istanbul, the doctor can give the patient medication for the first week or two, such as antacid, antemetic, antispasmodic, and pain reliever.
  • Medical follow-up and review by the doctor or the responsible medical team every six weeks.
  • The doctor or private medical team can give you an educational program for diet before and after the procedure.
  • The patient should be in almost daily contact with his doctor, and if there are any abnormal symptoms, he should contact his doctor immediately.
  • Balloon placement in Turkey and balloon removal should be performed by a specialist doctor.
  • See your doctor 15 days after inserting the balloon to be sure.

Risks and complications of the Gastric Balloon in istanbul

Despite the safety of the Gastric Balloon in Istanbul to a large extent, there is a very small possibility of the occurrence of some risks and complications that may be the result of a medical error. From the type of balloon used, or from the patient himself. And maybe without a known reason, and among these risks: the leakage or perforation of the balloon and emptying its contents into the stomach and Gastric ulcer.



Important tips to ensure effective performance & satisfactory results

For better results with the Gastric Balloon in Istanbul follow these commandments:

  • Eating slowly, in a calm and healthy environment, and chewing slowly.
  • Avoid swallowing food after gastric balloon procedure in Turkey.
  • Cut the food into small pieces when it is in the mouth and then digest it gradually.
  • Stop eating when you feel any reflex, bloating, or gas in the stomach.
  • Eat three main meals per day, including three very small snacks at a relatively large interval.
  • Drink at least - 1.5 liters of water per day.
  • Drink a glass or two of water half an hour before and after a meal.
  • Avoid eating and drinking together at the same time, to ensure that the balloon in the stomach is cleaned and to prevent the disintegration of food as a result of food residue left on the balloon.
  • Avoid drinking concentrated carbonated water: Coca-Cola, Pepsi.
  • Avoid drinking tea and coffee intensely.
  • avoid smoking; If you must smoke, don't smoke on an empty stomach.
  • The last meal should not be late at night or just before bedtime.
  • Wait at least two hours after the last meal, and don't go straight to bed.
  • Avoid lying on your stomach (abdominal recumbence) and bending your side when you feel pain.
  • You have to be active and do daily exercise such as riding a bike, or brisk walking for at least 15 minutes a day.
  • You should do these usual exercises after the first month of balloon placement.
  • You have to climb the stairs slowly and not climb to the upper floors.

Diet after Gastric Balloon in istanbul

  • It is preferable to cook with steam instead of water to preserve vitamins and minerals.
  • You have to follow the nutritional formulas guide for the necessary calorie chart.
  • Eat fresh or cooked vegetables to ensure better results with the Gastric Balloon in Istanbul.
  • Moderate intake of spices (cumin, pepper, curry powder, red pepper) and herbs (tarragon, garlic, parsley), onions, mustard, vinegar, juice, lemon, soy sauce, chili sauce, and fat-free soup cubes.
  • You should eat three main but not heavy meals (breakfast-lunch-dinner) and have a quick snack in the afternoon.
  • It is advised not to eat too many snacks between main meals.


Gastric balloon Turkey cost

The Gastric Balloon in Istanbul cost varies according to its nature, the type of balloon used, and the period during which the procedure will be performed. Gastric Balloon Turkey cost can be determined before examining the case with the doctor and discussing the type of gastric balloon that will be used.

Here are the prices in the following table:

Gastric balloon type

Gastric balloon cost in Turkey

Lexbal gastric balloon cost

 1500 Euro

Gastric balloon Obalon cost

 2800 Euro

Gastric balloon Orbera cost

 2000 Euro

Spatz gastric balloon cost

 1800 Euro

Ellipse gastric capsule cost

 2000 Euro

Medicone gastric balloon cost

 900 Euro

Medsil Gastric balloon cost

 900 Euro


Why is Medicsey the best for Gastric Balloon in istanbul?

  • Medicsey offers a free consultation on the different types of Gastric Balloon in Istanbul and the type that best suits your specific case.
  • Medicsey has doctors with over 30 years of experience, so there is no need to worry before any procedure.
  • The cost of the Gastric Balloon in Istanbul, Medicsey is suitable for all patients. Medicsey works with the latest therapeutic technologies and most importantly high-quality types.
  • Medicsey takes care of everything related to the treatment journey from A to Z.


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L'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) est une mesure qui utilise votre taille et votre poids pour déterminer si votre poids est sain. Avec le calculateur IMC, Vous pouvez savoir si vous êtes en surpoids ou en sous-poids et vous recevrez des recommandations adaptées à votre situation

Gastric balloon
Gastric balloon Turkey Istanbul operation steps

The process is carried out by relying on a set of fixed and specific steps, and these steps are as follows:

In the beginning, a migraine is used, and this greatly helps in calming the person. It also helps that no contractions of the esophagus occur during the entry of the endoscope.

The doctor first performs a gastroscopy to detect if the patient has an unexpected or previously unseen problem in the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum as a traditional procedure before inserting the gastric balloon.

In this step, the type of balloon used is inserted according to the patient's condition. Through the use of an endoscope, it is fixed in the exact place inside the stomach.

The method of filling varies according to the type of balloon used in the process, where the catheter and saline solution are used in the case of using the Oropera balloon or the Reshape. As for the use of opalon, the filling is done through the use of hydrogen gas.

  • How many kilograms will I lose during the incubation period of the balloon in my stomach?

    You can reduce excess weight by using a gastric balloon in Turkey usually between 15 - 25 kg in 6 months, but by following a diet specified by the doctor or private medical team.

  • How long is recovery after gastric balloon?

    You'll likely need someone to drive you home from the hospital and your throat may be sore from insertion of the balloon. Full recovery generally happens within 3 or 4 days.

  • Does your weight gain again after balloon extraction?

    Maintaining the continuity of applying a certain diet, preventing re-gaining weight after removing the balloon in Turkey or in the place of residence.

  • Why should the balloon be removed after 6 months or a year?

     It is recommended to remove the balloon in the sixth month or after a year, depending on the type of balloon because it will be affected by stomach acids, and not extracting the balloon after this period can lead to rupture of the balloon. And then it may migrate to the small intestine, which requires surgery to remove it. Also, the balloon will not be as effective as before because the stomach will get used to it as part of it, so it must be removed.

  • Is gastric balloon painful?

    You may experience some pain which can be caused if your oesophagus or stomach is punctured whilst inserting the gastric balloon. You may also feel pain from the inflation of the balloon.
  • Will I have health problems after the balloon is installed in Turkey?

    Immediately after the balloon is installed in Turkey, the following symptoms can occur, which can last two or three days or a week as a maximum:

    stomach cramp
    acid reflux
    Dizziness or vomiting

    In the meantime, the doctor can give the appropriate medications to prevent these symptoms, and then the body adapts to the balloon

  • How much does gastric balloon cost in Turkey

    Finally, obesity has always been and will always be the haunting problem that many suffer from, whether women or men. Many patients do the gastric balloon operation because gastric balloon in Turkey cost lower than other operation with same purpose.

  • What are the risks of a gastric balloon?

    Risks and potential side effects
    • Acid reflux.
    • Low weight loss.
    • Blockage of food entering the stomach.
    • Stomach discomfort.
    • Nausea and vomiting.
    • Belly or back pain.
    • Digestion issues.
    • Infection.
  • Is it possible to install another balloon if there is a clear decrease in weight after the extraction of the first balloon?

    It is possible to install another balloon after removing the first balloon, but the second balloon should be installed at a later time, at least two months after the extraction of the old one, thus giving a period of rest for the stomach in order to be more effective.

  • How can I eat while the balloon is in my stomach?

    After the balloon is installed in Turkey, you must follow a specific diet by a medical team or nutritionist, and then you will feel full in the stomach and this reduces the amount of food eaten.

  • How can the balloon be extracted?

    The balloon extraction process in Turkey is as easy as the installation process, using a gastroscope by a specialized doctor, and the duration of the procedure usually takes about 25 minutes under general or partial anesthesia.

  • Does the balloon installation process reduce the activity and daily work routine?

    To improve the chances of success of the gastric balloon operation in Turkey, do not do any practical activity during the first week of the balloon installation to make sure that you get used to the balloon, after that you can resume daily activities, with a healthy diet and continue to practice vital activity and normal sports.

  • Should I go to my doctor for follow-up during certain periodic visits?

    We must know that the balloon in the stomach is not a magic pill to reduce excess weight, but it is a healthy way on a regular basis, and it can help you change your diet habits for the better, and this requires periodic follow-up with the doctor or the medical team responsible during the period of the balloon

  • What happens when there is a leak in the balloon?

    Balloon puncture is very rare, but when this happens you can simply feel that the balloon has been punctured and leaked by changing the color of urine to blue or green, when this happens you should contact the doctor immediately because then the balloon should be extracted through the endoscope in an easy and fast way and without pain.

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